Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories


的 USA Flow Cytometry Shared Resources Laboratories (FCSRLs) within the USA College of Medicine are located in the Medical Sciences Building (MSB) and the Mitchell Cancer 研究所(MCI). 的y serve as a college-wide resource providing cell counting and cell sorting services to researchers on a subsidized fee-for-service basis via BD FACSAria and FACSCanto II instruments, as well as a Microfluidic Cell Sorter. 的 core labs also house other instruments available on a shared basis, including a Nexcelom CeligoS microplate based imaging cytometer, Agilent Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer and a ZetaView® TWIN - NTA Nanoparticle Tracking Analyzer.

导演,博士. Robert Barrington, has over 20 years of experience in flow cytometry and each lab is staffed by a full-time manager, Dr. Domenic Spadafora at the MSB and Steve McClellan at the MCI.