Moulton Tower at night.

Dr. Tony Waldrop 2014 – 2021

Waldrop Elevates Academics, Positions USA Health for Growth

President Tony Waldrop and wife Julee

Dr. Tony G. Waldrop helped raise academic standards, elevate research and usher in 作为十大玩彩信誉平台的第三任校长,开启了美国健康的新纪元.

“沃尔德罗普校长是哈佛大学的关键人物和坚定的领导者 南阿拉巴马州,”美国董事会专业主席阿琳·米切尔说. “他在美国健康的非凡增长中发挥了重要作用,并帮助我们发展 and mature as an institution of higher learning.”

从2014年到2021年,他在十大玩彩信誉平台和美国经历了巨大的变化 Health.

在他担任校长期间,学校成立了荣誉学院,发展了斯托克斯学院 海洋与环境科学学院,并建造了汉考克惠特尼体育场. 南方显著提高了留校率和毕业率,促进了海外留学 项目,增加了十多个学位课程,并推出了“路径” 美国转学生计划,增加获得和负担得起的四年 degree.

It also completed an Onward & Upward comprehensive fundraising campaign that raised more than $160 million for the University and USA Health.

Waldrop通过雇用新的领导和发展一个新的战略,领导了美国健康的动态增长 综合战略计划的重点是成为全国唯一的学术卫生系统 region. 研究和教育项目扩大了,初级和专业项目也扩大了 care practices across the region. A new Fanny Meisler Trauma Center at University Hospital opened, $50 million was secured from Gov. Kay Ivey to build a new College 在鲍德温县的马普家庭校园和独立式学校开始工作 emergency department on Hillcrest Road in west Mobile.

“Dr. 沃尔德罗普提高了哈佛大学的研究活动和学术水平 让南阿拉巴马州走上未来发展和成功的道路。 Jo Bonner.

沃尔德罗普是一位文静的学者和纪律严明的行政人员,他经常在黎明前醒来. He enjoyed morning walks with his wife, Julee. He refused to accept individual praise for University achievements, saying they were all group efforts.

“我的目标一直都是,无论我在政府中担任什么职位 leave things better than the way they were,” he said in 2021. “I really do think the 大学比我们刚来的时候好多了,这让我很满意.”

Dr. Tony Waldrop running track.

十大玩彩信誉平台,沃尔德罗普羞于谈论他最杰出的个人成就之一. 1974年,作为北卡罗来纳大学的田径明星,他设定了一个长期的 world record of 3 minutes and 55 seconds in the indoor mile. The next year, instead 为了准备奥运会,他放弃了竞技跑步,专注于赚钱 his Ph.D. in physiology.

沃尔德罗普成为德克萨斯大学西南医学中心的一名研究员 之后成为了加州大学的分子和综合生理学教授 在那里,他被提升为负责研究和研究生学习的副总裁. 他回到北卡罗来纳大学担任副校长,然后成为 provost and executive vice president at the University of Central Florida.

2014年,他被任命为十大玩彩信誉平台第三任校长 the administrations of Frederick P. Whiddon and V. Gordon Moulton.

Dr. 斯托克斯海洋与环境学院教授兼主任肖恩·鲍尔斯说 Sciences, considered Waldrop an important president in the history of South. After 惠登是这所大学的创始人,莫尔顿是重建校园的建设者, 这所大学得益于一位可以招聘的学术研究者的领导 professors and motivate faculty to improve standards.

“We needed Tony Waldrop for that stretch,” Powers said. “He set the course for increasing the rigor of research and academic achievement here. I think that’s his claim to fame at South.”

鲍尔斯和校园里的许多人一样,不得不从其他人那里了解到,沃尔德罗普曾经是一名田径运动员 star and world record holder. He became a friend of the Waldrops and often visited with them on Dauphin Island, where the Waldrops had a condominium. The couple’s partnership and shared vision immediately stood out.

“从教师的角度来看,他对我们和学生的一切都很感兴趣 were doing as far as research and professional development,” Powers said. “He was 一个传统的学者,我认为他最喜欢他工作的这一部分.”

来到莫比尔仅6个月后,沃尔德罗普就宣布了5项战略重点 南方:学生的机会和成功,加强研究和研究生教育, 在医疗保健、大学社区参与和全球参与方面表现卓越.

“Tony Waldrop set the course for
increasing the rigor of research
and academic achievement here. I think
that's his claim to fame at South.”
- Dr. Sean Powers, professor and director of the
Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences


Dr. Waldrop speaking with USA Health nurse.

“That was a pivotal moment in our history,” said Dr. Julie Estis, president of the Faculty Senate at the time. “There was a lot of excitement and newness around that whole experience of inaugurating a new president. He laid out those five priority areas that really shaped his tenure here at South.

“We can look back and see how each area has grown. There were clear priorities.”

除了汉考克惠特尼,在沃尔德罗普的大学校园建设 主席职位包括麦奎因校友中心,一个健康模拟大楼 healthcare professions and the Camellia student residential hall.

在沃尔德罗普政府即将结束时,新冠肺炎大流行带来了 disruption and uncertainty. Waldrop assembled a University committee that included 美国卫生流行病学家和传染病专家帮助做出决定 making process.

“他从研究人员的角度看待这个问题,”该大学的埃斯蒂斯说 COVID-19 response coordinator, in a 2021 profile on Waldrop. “He finds out all the 十大玩彩信誉平台任何话题或决定的信息,他都会花时间去考虑 it, carefully weigh it and let that inform his decision making.”

沃尔德罗普在北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔以南的哥伦布市长大 the Appalachian Mountains. His father was an industrial machinery mechanic, while his mother was a receptionist.

他是一名田径运动员,曾就读于北卡罗莱纳大学 scholarship.

沃尔德罗普曾六次入选全美,并在1975年泛美锦标赛上获得金牌 Games and set his world record in the indoor mile. The Olympics beckoned, but Waldrop left the pressure of elite racing for the challenge of a new career.

“他需要做一个决定,”队友、老朋友拉里·威金(Larry Widgeon)回忆道. “我是成为一名科学家,追求学术成就,还是为参加奥运会而训练? So, he just said, ‘I’m not going to run competitively anymore. I’m going to run for fun.’”